I absolutely love a great Mexican restaurant and I have been to a lot of them. There is one in particular though that stands out…
BagBnB – An Airbnb for your Luggage
As I am an avid Steelers fan having lived in Pittsburgh during the Bradshaw/Swan/Noll years in which they won 4 Super Bowls, I wanted to…
A Great Tip When Visiting the Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon is one of the places you have to see I guess. I thought Sedona Arizona was far more inspiring myself but then…
City of Howth East of Dublin
One of the reasons to visit Dublin is to take the fifty minute train ride to Howth. It is a spectacular fishing town and from…
A Discovered Fountain of Youth
While in Santa Fe, Linda and I stopped at the Chili Line Brewing Company to enjoy a beer and a bite to eat to close…
Five-Year Plans are a Waste of Time in a Fluctuating World
I’m not sure where the fascination came about concerning five year plans. The Soviet Union was immersed with them and would perpetually announce five-year economic…
Honoring the Giver of Chinese Pastries
Last night I received gift from a Chinese man and his adult son. They wanted to thank me for the hospitality I had bestowed them…
Why You Do NOT Make Much Money Selling Your House (If Any)
People love to exaggerate their experiences when it comes to the topics of money and love. It is a rule of thumb for me that…
My Own Piano Rendition of the Moving Song, Chasing Cars, by Snow Patrol
https://www.facebook.com/brad.rudisail/videos/10210885371154826/ This is a song about getting lost with the one you love and forgetting about the world around you, if not but for just…
How Many Boxes Does it Take to Pack Your Life?
I know a couple of people who moved over the summer. As it was for them and for many people in this country, the moving process…